Monday 11 June 2012

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Who am I?

‘It was Maureen who had always written Harold’s name (‘Dad’) in the letters and cards. It was even Maureen who had found the nursing home for his father. And it begged the question – as he pushed the button on the pelican crossing –that if she was in effect, Harold, ‘Then who am I?’

He strode past the post office without even stopping’

So ended the brilliant first chapter of the novel: ‘The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry’ (leant to me by a very good friend) and an excellent read for whilst I’m on retreat!

Who am I? Is in a sense one of the things I hope to explore in sabbatical – now that may sounds a bit odd or crass but there is a sense in which ministry is such, that so often one moulds themselves to others needs or expectations, for me I know that is the case and over the past years I feel I’ve lost touch with parts of who I am.

When I’ve been asked about my sabbatical and what I’m doing I’ve often said something on the following lines – It’s about reconnecting with ‘God and myself’. It’s sad thinking that the role/s I’ve been in for the past 10+ years have meant that part of who I am has been squashed (I need to take responsibility for parts of that) but it also makes me wonder what expectations we place on others and how much we allow people to be themselves.

In my youth work days I would talk about enabling people to grow into the people they are meant to be, part of my ministry has continued to be that, especially at the Uni a real formative time/experience for many. But what about me? What about us? Do we continue to be shaped and moulded into the people we are created to be?
Who am I?
‘Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
    We are the clay, you are the potter;
    we are all the work of your hand.’  Isaiah 64:8

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