Friday 1 June 2012

I know what writers mean when they say about sitting in front of a blank piece of paper of computer screen sometimes there is lots to say but the words are stuck somewhere or word alone are not really adequate.

So for this blog a few random words and phrases, maybe you could even stretch to call it a poem?...

Internet stress & tax dodging companies

Charity donations flag as fraudulent act.

Go-carting ministers to

flat pack with pictures,

bird song and calls to awaking the morn.

Train booking completed early morning departures

Camera delivered - now to learn how it works.

Image excitement see beyond normal vision

Sun disappearing but light still abounds

Jubilee madness red white and blue - proud to be British?  & Republican too?...

Radio broadcast speaking of scripture Says 'words not to contain God but to lead us to wonder.'
Where is our wonder or do we constrict it?
What would it be like to describe with out words...

1 comment:

  1. Any piece of writing with,
    the word 'morn'
    must be a poem
