Wednesday 13 June 2012

Friends Reunited and Ubuntu Philosophy

Last night I had a wonderful time catching up with old friends (Friends 'of old' not 'old' friends - in case they are reading this!) We worked out we didn't think we'd seen one another for 17years but had shared so much together not least getting married on the same day (but not obviously to each other). With them I'd shared a particularly important part of my life with them, my late childhood and some teenage years. One was a real grounded presence for me, a good friend who stuck by me, I can remember having some deeps chats about life and well just about anything... It was staying with her and the family on a Christian holiday that I had probably my most profound conversion experience when I made a commitment to my Christian faith. The experience back when I was about 12 was one of many life changing moments a moment she shared with me... Knowing I was seeing these friends obviously took me back to that experience as earlier in the day when I was walking the prayer labyrinth (picture on one of my previous entries) I found two of the songs that were sung that day twirling around in my head ('I am a new creation' and 'Father God I wonder') I found myself singing them internally (another person was trying to be prayerful in the area and I wasn't sure she'd appreciate my singing!) I reconnected with the experience in some new way...

Over the evening we shared I became more aware of the experiences that have formed me and the place of other people in them. As we sat chatting we asked about mutual friends and who was in touch with who, we shared some sad news as well as a few laughs. Looking at old pictures brought back yet more memories and faces I'd forgotten too! (It incidentally reminded me how much a hormonal bag I was back then and how you could date the picture by who was in a relationship with who...) 

Social media means that relationships with people become different, many will know I love facebook and use it a lot (probably too much) for me it helps me feel connected with people but its often in a fairly superficial way - sometimes for people social media 'relationship' is at the expense of 'real relationship'. I give thanks that facebook made this particular reconnection possible and through meeting old friends I've become a bit more reconnected with memories and experiences that have made me who I am today.

The experience has made me think about the African Ubuntu philosophy which reminds us of our interconnectivity and the place of others in our lives:

Desmond Tutu explained Ubuntu in 2008:[4]
One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu – the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality – Ubuntu – you are known for your generosity. We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole World. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.

As an extrovert (rather than introvert) people's place in my lives is really important, I am energised by others. These last few days have reminded me not just of the energy I get from others but of the profoundly important place of others in shaping me and as a result my humanity ...I am so thankful for those who are family and friends today (and those of old with whom paths have separated) for each has helped me to be me.

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