Saturday 16 June 2012

1200 mile service retreat - 'oil changed, engine tuned'

I’ve returned back home from Sheldon where I was on their ‘1200 miles service retreat’ - some lovely treats along the way. I really felt cared for and treated – first time I’ve had a Jacuzzi and professional massage on a retreat (in fact first time I’ve had a proper massage!) Some of the simple things of these past days were so powerful, volunteers serving and clearing at meals, nothing seeming too much trouble. Have you ever tried to get a group of Church leaders/clergy not to talk ‘shop talk’ for 4 days... that was interesting in itself.

On the final evening was a very special communion service where we were offered the opportunity to be prayed for with two of the leaders laying on hands upon us. It struck me (and at least one of the others) how much in ministry we pray for others but don’t get the opportunity to be prayed for in such a direct way very often. I’m really grateful for the opportunity and the ministry offered to me these past few days.

Before the service was a time of silent reflection, some words from scripture and reflections were provided for those who wanted to use them: these words I found very helpful:

I was regretting the past and fearing the future.
Suddenly the Lord was speaking.
‘My name is I am’.
He paused,
I waited
He continued,
‘When you live in the past with all its mistakes and regrets it is hard – I am not there.
My name is  not I was.
When you live in the future with its problems and fears it is hard – I am not there.
My name is not I will be.
When you live in this moment, it is not hard – I am here.
My name is I am’

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