Monday 16 July 2012

The Search For A Superstar


Ok so its probably about time I put some thoughts together following the recent search for Jesus - that's the superstar variety from Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical.  I've been fairly hooked by the latest television search for the next musical star the search has added layers and meanings for me and I guess for many others as its not just any part but the part of 'Jesus' that is up for grabs. On Saturday night the Superstar programme ended with 'The Lord' (Webber) saying:

'Who are the viewing public at home going to think is Jesus?'

Obviously it is a fairly simple question, in terms of the programme it could be put  in other words  'who will win'? But for me it set my mind racing and the conversation I overheard in the pub over lunch just added to it: 'oh I liked the blonde one he looks right to me'... and so it goes on. Certainly in Western Europe (and sadly in much of the rest of the world) for many generations Jesus has been painted as a white European even though its hard to find anything historically or theologically to back this view up. The great website rejesus has a lovely collection of different images of Jesus and goes into the story behind them. I've had great conversations with people over the years using a collection of images of Jesus from different cultural contexts - I'm certainly personally fairly open as to what Jesus might of looked like and obviously the simple answer is we don't know. The deeper question is though who do people think Jesus is?

As someone who has committed my working life to an outworking of a belief and following of Jesus in Christian ministry I suppose some might think I can offer a nice simple answer to who is Jesus - well I could to a point... but it would only be part of the picture and certainly it would be my take on a subject that has extended theologians, historians and many others over the years. Part of my simple response would be to say Jesus inspires and excites me so much that I want to learn more and seek to follow him, I seek to learn from his teachings and use them to help shape my living (In Christian language my discipleship). But for me I wouldn't for one minute claim to be able  to adequately answer in a full sense 'who is Jesus'

I may have my favourite Jesus in the superstar programme (there's a few I like) but I don't think they are Jesus or are even necessarily physically like him. I hope that through the glitter of the programme the question of who is Jesus might inspire and challenge them to give it some thought and maybe set of an interest in exploring who Jesus is... I've found it a great exploration (so far in my life) and I'm certain my answer to the question will continue to change and evolve over the years and I'm sure my life and my living will be all the better for it.

And so the search goes on...

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