Monday 28 May 2012

As way of introduction...

As way of an introduction a few words...

Presumably most if not all you you who may read this will know me.
I'm James by the way and I'm just embarking on a sabbatical from my work/ministry (my current responsibilities are as a free church chaplain at Aston University and minister to a small Methodist Church in the village of Water Orton just outside Birmingham near the town of  Coleshill) I'm married to Sarah and have two kids to keep me on my toes Rebecca (6) and Adam (4). As to other stuff about me well some of that may find its way out over the coming months.

My Blog/posts will consist of random things... images, thoughts, quotes & reflections from my sabbatical. Some posts will be factual about where I am or what I'm doing some may just be an image, others may be reflections about all the stuff that is happening inside or around me - I'm aware a variety of folk may read this so the 'God stuff' I'll try and keep accessible (but apologies if it gets heavy at any point). There may well be gaps in my posting - I did think of posting an image every day but don't want to put any more pressure on me as the sabbatical is fairly busy as it is and I need to work on 'being rather than doing all the time'! I hope this will be a space I can work through some stuff so it might not all be that thought through or complete but I hope and pray it will help me to pause and reflect and maybe that might be true for you too...

1 comment:

  1. Ok James! looking forward to sharing in your reflections and learning along the way. Enjoy your sabbatical.
